ER Nurses: Prepared For The Unexpected

Have you ever been to the emergency room? I bet everyone of you have. The ER is the most commonly visited area if you have a broken bone, accident, allergic reaction, or some other medical emergency.

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In order to be an ER nurse you have to be able to think quickly and under pressure. Patients that come to the ER usually have just experienced trauma or injury. It is the job of nurses to quickly size up the injury and be able to solve the problem on the spot. As a nurse in the ER you are constantly moving and are always on your feet. When you are done assisting in a certain area, the next question you think is where else can I help.

ER nurses are responsible for many things. They assist doctors with life threatening injuries. Nurses administer medication, monitor heath conditions, and overall provide care to the patient and their families. You need to be quick thinking, good at making decisions, and have a strong stomach.

I am interested in working in the ER because it is a rush. You are always moving and helping in many different areas. Another thing I love is that everyday is different. Yeah you will probably see a lot of the same minor injuries but the major injuries will vary. I think it would be pretty cool to go into work everyday, not knowing what lies ahead. With that said you have to be able to handle the different types of injuries. If you are afraid of blood, the ER is not for you.


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